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Plurima Strategy Portfolio Fund

The objective of the Fund is to achieve an increase in the value of units over a period of several years.

The Fund is a fund-of-fund that balances the return opportunities of the stock markets and those of the bond markets

Ireland Italy Switzerland

Why Plurima Strategy Portfolio Fund?

Key Facts

As of 2025-01-27

Fund info

Launch Date Fund2017-05-05
Fund Net Assets12,108,931.57
Fund Base CurrencyEUR
SFDR ClassificationArticle 8

Class Info

NAV per Unit10.184
Fund Class Net Assets104034.92
Fund Class CurrencyEUR


Management Fees 1.20%
Ongoing Charges 3.02%
Maximum Initial charge 3%
Maximum Exit Fee -
Performance Fee 20.00%

General Info

Fund TypeIrish domiciled UCITS Unit Trust (a Sub-Fund of PLURIMA Funds UCITS umbrella unit trust)
Portfolio ManagerEuropean and Global Advisers LLP
Management CompanyEuropean & Global Investments Ltd
TrusteeCACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A., Dublin Branch
Administrator, registrar, transfer agentCACEIS Investor Services Ireland Limited
Auditor Deloitte & Touche

Dealing & Subscriptions

Minimum Investment Amount EUR 50,000
Use of Income Accumulation
Distribution Countries IE, IT, CH
Settlement for Subs/Reds T+3
Cut-off time for Subs/Reds 12 pm (Irish time)
Bloomberg Ticker PLSTPAI ID
For any subscription or redemption, please see the Application Form.